When Should You Consider Orthotics? These 5 Signs Will Tell

Foot pain and swelling can come as a result of injuries, dislocation and other foot-related illnesses. Various treatment options are available in alleviating these symptoms. One of them is the use of orthotics. 

However, it's not always easy to know whether you are a candidate for these supporting devices. Here are some signs that you need seek orthotics treatment for your foot complications. 

1. Sharp Heel Pains 

In addition to discomfort, pain and swelling on your feet, you can experience occasional sharp pain in the heels. Heel pain happens due to an inflammation of the tissue band connecting your toes and the heels. This inflammation will most likely occur if you are overweight or have flat feet. It is also common among people who stand for long periods of time and those who wear high heels. 

Your podiatrist might recommend additional arch support using orthotics customised for your foot. These will also provide proper cushioning to the feet. 

2. Diabetic Foot Complications

Diabetic foot complications arise when the nerves and vascular tissues on the foot get damaged because of diabetes. These complications include corns, bunions, calluses, ingrown toenails, skin dryness, skin and bone infections and pus pockets among others. 

They make it very uncomfortable to walk and stand. The condition might become worse when you have a poor gait and arch support. Orthotic devices provide extra support and comfort to the foot when you have these complications. 

3. Balance Problems 

Older adults sometimes experience falling over due to poor stability and discomfort on the foot. Orthotics are used to correct flat feet and collapsed arches to solve or prevent the balance problem. 

4. Flat Foot or High Arch

Too much pressure on a flat foot encourages foot rolling and causes pain on the foot. Orthotic devices correct inward rolling of the foot, known as over-pronation, which is a problem for people with flat feet. Individuals who have high arches also experience instability on the ankle, foot calluses and toe problems in addition to pain on the foot. Arch support alleviates these issues. 

5. Injuries on the Lower Limb

Some injuries on the lower limb affect your ability to walk properly. Injuries can cause deformity and instability of the tissues and joints at the lower limb. They can also cause dislocations and gait problems. These will necessitate using orthotics. Orthotics prevent overuse of lower limbs when injured. They can also control specific movements of the limbs to prevent pain and swelling. 

Orthotics can solve many foot problems regardless of age. Custom-made orthotics ensure you get a solution suitable to your specific situation. Contact a local podiatrist to learn more about orthotics.
